
Ramadan Iftar Quotes in Hindi, Urdu & Arabic – Ramzan Iftari SMS, Messages, Wallpapers for WhatsApp

Ramadan Iftar Quotes

Ramadan quotes 2023 : इफ्तार का अर्थ है ‘तोड़ना’। रमजान उपवास के संदर्भ में इसका मतलब पूरे दिन का उपवास या व्रत तोड़ना है। सूर्यास्त में परिवार इफ्तार नामक भोजन के साथ उपवास तोड़ने के लिए इकट्ठे होते हैं। लेकिन, इफ्तारी के लिए जाने से पहले वे अपना उपवास खजूर से अपना उपवास खोलते हैं जिसके बाद वे मगरीब प्रार्थना करते हैं जो की दिन के लिए अंतिम प्रार्थनाओं में से एक। आज हम आपके सामने पेश करने जा रहे हैं रमजान इफ्तार कोट्स, ramadan iftar dua in hindi, Iftar Dua, ramadan iftar invitation template, Ramadan recipes for iftar images, ramadan iftar party, ramadan iftar prayer, रमजान इफ्तार शायरी इमेजेज, इफ्तारी शायरी, रमजान इफ्तार एसएमएस उर्दू, हिंदी व इंग्लिश फोंट्स के साथ जिसे आप अपने दोस्तों, परिवार, ऑफिस वर्कर्स, colleges आदि को भेज कर wish कर सकते हैं|

Ramadan iftar quotes

आज हम आपके सामने पेश करेंगे Ramadan Quotes and Verses from Quran in English, ramadan quotes from quran, ramadan quotes sayings in english, Ramzan Mubarak Shayari, ramadan images with quotes, ramadan quotes in arabic and english, quotes about ramadan, Ramzan Iftar Images, ramzan messages to friends, Sehri Mubarak Images, ramzan mubarak sms, ramadan wishes messages का full collection जिन्हे आप whatsapp व facebook पर share कर सकते हैं|

TAQWA is the ultimate goal of our Ramadan preparations, to be among the righteous for now and forever!

Happy Iftari to All my Muslim
May this Iftari lead
you towards the happiness and love.
I know this moment is very hard
to pass and but stay there. The
price is all yours. Happy Iftari.

Quotes for ramadan iftar

May the sweets of iftari
make your life more sweeter
in every possible way!

Make this Ramadan the turning point in your life. break free from the deceptions of this world and indulge into the sweetness of EEMAN

Quotes for ramadan iftar

Ramazan Iftar Quotes in Hindi

These moments are very blessing moments try to avail its blessings. Happy Iftari. Share on X As you feast on your iftari I wish you all the joys a life can bring to share with your dear once! Share on X

Ramadan Iftar and Sehri Dua

May Allah’s blessings shine
always upon you and your
loved once.

Wishing you a joys iftari
with happiness health and
successful away.

Ramadan Iftar Quotes in Hindi

May this beautiful month
brings lots of happiness for you
And builds a way of happier life
Happy Iftar

This month is the holiest day of the year
In this month there is blessings of Allah on his creature
wish you best of luck for this month
and happy Iftar

Ramadan Iftaari Quotes in Urdu

Wish Happy Iftari to all my friends’ fellows and family. Share on X Ramadan Reminders – Supplicate “three prayers are not rejected the prayers of a father, the prayers of a fasting person, and the prayers of a travller.” (Narrated by Al-Baihaqi) Share on X

Ramadan iftar sms

Ramzan Iftar Messages

The moment in Ramadan
for which everyone is waiting
that moment is Iftari moment
Happy Iftari.

Iftari is a very happy moment I
know but it is the time of very
keen importance. Try to avail it.
Happy Iftari.

Ramadan iftar funny sms

आप ramzan mubarak के पाक महीने में आइये देखें कुछ new, top, Latest, attitude, aftari, dua, जुम्मा, Ramzan Iftar shayari pics for Whatsapp, Sehri Mubarak Shayari, को उर्दू भाषा व Urdu, Hindi, English, sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Nepali के Language व Font में साल 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2020, 2023 के अनुसार बधाई सन्देश, शुभकामनाये, Quotes, Status, Poem के Image, SMS, Messages, Wishes, Wallpapers, Photos, Pictures विशेष पिक्स, एसएमएस, साहरी, sayaree, उद्धरण, messages, msg, एसएमएस हिंदी फॉण्ट, हिंदी और उर्दू शायरी, फोटो, इमेजेज, वॉलपेपर आदि जिन्हे आप फेसबुक, व्हाट्सप्प पर अपने दोस्त व परिवार के लोगो के साथ साझा कर सकते हैं|

Allah says about the fasting person.“He has left his food, Drink and desires for my sake, The fast is for me, So I will reward (The fasting person) for it and the reward of good deeds is multiplied ten times” -Sahih Al bukhari 1894 Share on X The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “Whoever gives food for a fasting person to break his fast, he will have a reward like theirs, without that detracting from their reward n the slightest.” Share on X

Ramadan iftar photo

Ramadan iftar photo

Live your life like everyday is Ramadan and the Ankhirah will become you Eid. Share on X

Ramadan iftar messages

Ramzan Iftar Mubarak, Ramzan Iftar Shayari with Images, Ramadan Kareem Wishes, pics, Photos, HD, 3D latest pics for Iftar, Shayari for whatsapp Dp and profile for instagram story and Ramadan Iftar Whatsapp status has been given below:

Ramadhan will be coming soon prepare. your mind, body and soul for the holy month gain maximum benefit.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Said,
When the month of Ramadan start, the gates of heaven are Opened and the gates of hell are closed and the devils are chained – Saheeh Al-bukhari.

Ramadan iftar invitation messages

Allah never expects us to be perfect during Ramadan, but he expects us to keep on trying.

Ramazan. The month when you gradually start to realize that its not the devil. It’s you.

Make Dua – its Ramadan the month of forgiveness.

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