भारत भर में इंजीनियरिंग समुदाय महानतम भारतीय अभियंता व भारत रत्न मोक्षगुंडम विश्वेश्वरा को श्रद्धांजलि के रूप में हर साल 15 सितंबर को इंजीनियर्स दिवस मनाता है।वह मुख्य अभियंता थे जो मैसूर में कृष्णा राजा सगार बांध के निर्माण के साथ-साथ हैदराबाद शहर के लिए बाढ़ संरक्षण प्रणाली के मुख्य डिजाइनर के रूप में जिम्मेदार थे। मोक्षगुंडम विश्वेश्वरा का जन्म 15 सितंबर 1861 को चिककाबल्लपुर के पास महेदाहल्ली में हुआ था। वह भारत के सबसे प्रभावशाली सिविल इंजीनियर , बांध निर्माता, अर्थशास्त्री, राजनेता, और पिछली शताब्दी के सबसे प्रमुख में गिना जा सकता है| इंजीनियर्स दिवस 2019 का विषय “एक देवता में इंजीनियरों की भूमिका” है।
Engineers Day Shayari
Centuries ago people who sacrificed their sleep, food, laughter & other joys of life were called “SAINTS” Now they are called ENGINEERS. Happy Engineers Day! Share on X Everybody says Engineering is so easy that it is just like walking in a park! But only Engineers know that.. park is called Jurassic Park..!! Happy Engineers Day Share on XEngineers Day Shayari in Hindi
आइये आज इस पोस्ट के द्वारा हम आपको engineers day 15 september, Engineers Day Quotes, vishwakarma day, Engineers Day Jokes, इंजीनियर्स डे , इंजीनियर दिवस 2019, आदि की जानकारी देंगे किसी भी भाषा जैसे Hindi, हिंदी फॉण्ट, मराठी, गुजराती, Urdu, उर्दू, English, sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, Malayalam, Nepali, Kannada के Language Font में साल 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 का full collection जिसे आप अपने अध्यापक, मैडम, mam, सर, बॉस, माता, पिता, आई, बाबा, sir, madam, teachers, boss, principal, parents, master, relative, friends & family whatsapp, facebook (fb) व instagram पर share कर सकते हैं|
I take the vision which comes from dreams and apply the magic of science and mathematics, adding the heritage of my profession and my knowledge of nature's materials to create a design. Happy Engineers Day Share on X I am an Engineer I serve mankind by making dreams come true. Happy Engineers Day Share on Xइंजीनियर्स डे शायरी
You Create the Magic World(CS& IT,MCA) You Build the Nation(Civil) You are connecting the world(EC) you are the power(EE) you move the world(Mech) Wish you all a very Happy Engineers day Share on X Engineers are always honest in matters of technology and human relationships. That’s why it’s a good idea to keep engineers away from customers, romantic interests, and other people who can’t handle the truth. Happy Engineer's Day!!!!!!!!!!!! Share on XHappy Engineers Day Shayari
We r Cheaters,, But v dont cheat Humanity! We hate Study,,, But v love Technology! We flirt with flirters,, But v r lovers!! World cant Change us, But v can change the World!! We dont hav Books in Hand,, But hav Revolutionary Ideas in Mind! We r the… Share on X hum woh engineer nahi jinke haathon mein lohe se chhaale pad jaate hain, hum to un mein se hain jo welding torch se ciggrate jalate hain. Happy engineers Day Doston ! Share on XEngineer Day Shayari in Hindi
Engineer Means E-eager N-non stop G-genius I-intelligent N-nation's power E-effortmaker E-excellence R-rider Happy engineers Day Share on X I organize the efforts and skills of my fellow workers employing the capital of the thrifty and the products of many industries, and together we work toward our goal undaunted by hazards and obstacles. Happy engineers Day Share on XEngineers Day Shayri in Hindi
Happy Engineers day Shayari in Hindi
Engineers participate in the activities which make the resources of nature available in a form beneficial to man and provide systems which will perform optimally and economically. Happy Engineers Day - 15th September Share on X How do u convert an Engineering Student to a criminal??? Burn* some pages of his assignments, a day before submission Happy Engineers Day! Share on XEngineer Day Shayari
You can be a Doctor and save lives... You can be a Lawyer and defend lives... You can be a Soldier and protect lives... But why to play with others lives? So we simply became engineers to screw up our own lives Share on X I take the vision which comes from dreams and apply the magic of science and mathematics, adding the heritage of my profession and my knowledge of nature's materials to create a design. HAPPY ENGINEERS DAY TO ALL ENGINEERS Share on XEngineers Day Shayari Sms
The Engineering Student Equation - P is inversely Proportional To T, where S is constant P – Pressure on the Brain T - Number of Days left S – Syllabus Share on X 4 yrs 40 subjects 400 experiments 4000 assignments 40000 hrs. A normal human CANNOT do it. Those super heroes are called 'ENGINEERING STUDENTS' Happy Engineer's Day Share on X2019 update